Winning Trends Review Day 11 and 12

Winning Trends Review Day 11 and 12

Winning Trends Day 11 and 12 20 July 2014   Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Winning Trends Unless otherwise stated, 1 point is assigned for each selection 19th July No selection 20th July 1640 Redcar – Harboured -1 pt   P/L today -1 points Cumulative Loss...
Winning Trends Review Day 11 and 12

Winning Trends Review Day 10

Winning Trends Day 10 18 July 2014   Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Winning Trends Unless otherwise stated, 1 point is assigned for each selection   Selection P/L 1400 Newb – Marshall Jennings -1 1430 Newb – Evening Rain -1 1705 Nott – Ferryview Place 0 Non...
Winning Trends Review Day 11 and 12

Winning Trends Review Day 9

Winning Trends Day 9 17 July 2014   Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Winning Trends Unless otherwise stated, 1 point is assigned for each selection   Selection P/L 1535 Brig – Nubar Boy -1 1535 Brig – Secular Society 4.5 1555 Leic – Threetimesalady -1 1655 Leic –...
Winning Trends Review Day 11 and 12

Winning Trends Review Day 8

Winning Trends Day 8 16 July 2014   Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Winning Trends Selections in the past can be accessed through the web site.  Here are the results today.  Unless otherwise stated, 1 point is assigned for each selection   Selection P/L 1410...
Winning Trends Review Day 11 and 12

Winning Trends Review Day 7

Winning Trends Day 7 15 July 2014   Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Winning Trends Selections in the past can be accessed through the web site.  Here are the results today.  Unless otherwise stated, 1 point is assigned for each selection   Selection P/L 14.45...