Awesome Racing Day Four

Awesome Racing Day Four

AWesome Racing Day 4 29th March 2017 Sgt Graduate – Reviews Awesome Racing Day 4   AWESOME RACING DAY 4 Like yesterdays weather Awesome Racings  result were a little sunnier. All the races were at Wolverhampton and again all at a max of 5pts with 1pt =...
Awesome Racing Day Four

Awesome Racing Day 3

AWesome Racing Day 3 27th March 2017 Sgt Graduate – Reviews Awesome Racing Day 3 After a very shaky start this weekend (Saturday 10 bets/1 win-Sunday No Bets) and a significant chunk of change taken out of the bank roll,I was praying for a magical...
Awesome Racing Day Four

Awesome Racing Day 1 & 2

AWesome Racing Day 1& 2 25th/26th March 2017 Sgt Graduate – Reviews Awesome Racing Day 1 & 2   AWESOME RACING DAY 1 G’day Punters. Before I get to the results,let’s talk about about the bank and the points. Awesome Racing’s Capo aka The Sandman...
Awesome Racing Day Four

AWesome Racing Introduction

AWesome Racing Introduction 22nd March 2017 Sgt Graduate – Introduces AWesome Racing Greetings all! I am The Graduate and as the Nome de plume suggests I am pretty new to serious betting,which is why I am grateful to Betting Systems Truth for allowing me to...