Betfair ATM – Day 12

Betfair ATM – Day 12  October 1st    Hi Bloggers     A mixed bag today jumps , flat and All Weather i started at 15: 10 and was finished by 16:50 in that time i had made 2.40 points profit, i consider that okay for 1hour and 40 minutes. I had only 4 selections that i...

Betfair ATM – Day 11

Betfair ATM – Day 11 September 30th    Hi Bloggers     Another day of  just flat meetings, i did check with the author we do not back in Irish races, only put in around 40 minutes today split up, i targetted the Newmarket 15:10 and had a couple of races around 17:00....

Betfair ATM – Day 10

Betfair ATM – Day 10 September 29th    Hi Bloggers     A difficult day all flat meetings targetted 17:00 to 18:00 as being the most productive time started of well hit 3 winning bets and was 2.23 points up within 50 minutes but got a loser in the last 10 so i ended...

Betfair ATM – Day 9

Betfair ATM – Day 9 September 28th    Hi Bloggers     I found today alot easier 4 out of the 8 races were at Sedgefield’s jumps meeting where i managed a 100% success rate, overall i managed to get 7 winning bets out of 8 and a profit of  2.49 points. Looking at...

Betfair ATM – Day 8

Betfair ATM – Day 8 September 27th    Hi Bloggers     Tougher a day with no National Hunt racing but i managed 5 out of 6 in a 2 hour session and ended  the day with a modest 0.83 points profit.  6 Selections – 5 winning Bets = P/L of +0.83 points Running Bank after...