New sergeant in town Sgt Rich

New sergeant in town Sgt Rich Hello constables My name is Richard, my friends call me Rich, and I’m pleased to be given the chance to contribute to this community of bettors. I live in Yorkshire, out in the countryside. I’ve been interested in betting and...

Format Racing Method Day’s 1 to 3

Format Racing Method Day’s  1  to  3 Hi Bloggers, These are the updated results from the first day (23-9-10). The author has asked me to point out that the stats for his system are based on the figures calculated when ‘live’ betting and NOT on BSP...
Football Bets Direct Review Summary

Football Bets Direct Review Summary

Football Bets Direct Final  Review [Rating:3.5] Although there were only 11 days of actual bets with Football Bets Direct, due to the lack of opportunities in the summer months, the world cup and the author’s heart attack, Football Bets Direct did exactly what...
Sports Betting Champ Final Review

Sports Betting Champ Final Review

Sports Betting Champ Final Review Hi Bloggers, First, please accept my apologies for the lack of updates on sports betting champ.  I have been involved with various personal issues, including bereavement, which have taken up a considerable amount of my time over the...
Arbitrage Spy Scam Review

Arbitrage Spy Scam Review

Arbitrage Spy Scam? On Tuesday the 24th August Arbitrage Spy will be released as a pre launch. The first e-mail you will receive will tell the story behind Arbitrage Spy with an inticing video…After the video you will be redirected to the sales page… I...