Bookie Annihilation Scam Review

Bookie Annihilation Scam Review

Bookie Annihilation Review The only review site without an affiliate link. What does that tell you if nothing else? BST [Rating:1] I recently purchased the Bookie Annihilation method and If you are serious about this professional betting lark! Then I urge you to give...
Lay The Best Update Scam

Lay The Best Update Scam

Late last year we reviewed Paul Simmons Lay The Best. A few of you have been keeping an eye on this service and now we can see the true colours. It was very close to be called a scam back then and I have been keeping close eyes on this with various people including...
Footballing Prophets – Review Summary

Footballing Prophets – Review Summary

Neutral Pending Further Review [rating:2.5]   [Click here for Footballing prophets…]   Hi Bloggers, Unfortunately the review has to be shelved until the start of next season.  We will pick up from where we left off at that time.  Martin had stated previously...
Win Bets Formula

Win Bets Formula

Betting System Truths News Good morning Constables! . Win Bets Formula are so stupid they were giving the system away for free. During my 12 point MOT which I started to finish today, I noticed they uploaded it to there images directory and we dont even need to pay...