Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35 February 6th 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35 Hi Folks Certainly could not complain about the number of selections today 35 to be exact with 6 winners. Another good day for Variant 1 making 7.98 points...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 34

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 34 February 5th 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 34 Hi Folks Another day where is was hard to find selections but i got to 15 and winners were sparse too only 2, but this did not stop Variant 1 making a decent...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 33

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 33 February 4th 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 33 Hi Folks A good day for Variation 2 making a 4.24 points profit and for Variation 1 a far more modest gain of 0.54 points. Selections were hard to find today...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 32

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 32 February 3rd 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 32 Hi Folks Oh dear a double whammy  today Variant 2 recording a small loss of 0.44 points this is the first losing day for this variation since the review began and...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 35

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 31

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 31 February 2nd 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 31 Hi Folks Not quite quite the same heights of  yesterday but still a good day for Variant 1 returning a gain of 6.45 points while Variant 2 struggled  to make 0.88...