Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 5

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 5

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 5 January 5th 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated  -Day 5 Hi Folks A very busy day with 42 selections which gave 10 winners and the best profit so far on Variation 1 6.26 points, Variation 2 produced a respectable 2.70 points...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 5

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 4

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 4  January 4th 2013 Golden Key Method 2 Updated  -Day 4 Hi Folks A better day for Variant 1 which returned a reasonable profit but Variant 2 made only a very small profit. Early days but Variant 1 has started to pull away a bit...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 5

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 3

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 3  January 3rd 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated  -Day 3 Hi Folks Not such a good day with Variant 1 returning a loss of 0.93 points and Variant 2 making a very small profit of 0.53 points. I managed to find 24 selections which...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 5

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 2

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 2  January 3rd 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated  -Day 2 Hi Folks Well surprisingly we had a few more selections today than yesterday with one meeting less, a total of 39 selections only produced 6 winners but both Variants...
Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 5

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 1

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 1  January 2nd 2013  Golden Key Method 2 Updated  -Day 1 Hi Folks A very hectic day as is usual for Bank Holiday racing i managed to find 36 selections of which 8 won, Variant 1 returned a very small profit whilst Variant 2...