Sports Betting Dynamics Day 40

Sports Betting Dynamics   Day 40  March 13th    Hi Bloggers       Another medium sized  bet of 16 points on a double and i am afraid it went the same way as its companions during the week it lost. So since the paid service started on March 1st it has lost a total of...

Sports Betting Dynamics Day 39

Sports Betting Dynamics   Day 39   March 12th Hi Bloggers Well the gloves come off today the first large bet a 25 points win double this as per the service operator” this chase is necessary to negate the really bad luck that has been encountered over the last 4...

Sports Betting Dynamics Day 38

Sports Betting Dynamics   Day 38   March 11th    Hi Bloggers       Another medium sized bet this time 15 points on a double and just like the previous 2 medium wagers it lost, all the early profits have now been eroded. Day 38  Friday 11th March:   Double Portland...

Sports Betting Dynamics Day 37

Sports Betting Dynamics   Day 37   March 10th    Hi Bloggers       Sorry for late  posting i have had computer issues, well on Day 37 we had another medium sized wager this time a 13.4 point win single on the Lakers unfortunately it had the same result as yesterdays...

Sports Betting Dynamics Day 36

Sports Betting Dynamics   Day 36   March 9th    Hi Bloggers    As per the authors e-mail todays main bet is  “a medium sized wager on a double that has a higher probability of winning , such plays will be having slightly more units than normal”....