The Snout Day 24

The Snout Day 24

The Snout Day 24         Monday June 5   Two selections at Windsor,both Non Runners – Fleeting Visit (7.10) and Pixeleen (7.40) So the bankroll remains at : £485.50                      ...
The Snout Day 24

The Snout Weekend Days 22/23

The Snout Weekend Days 22/23         Weekend June 3/4   Current Bankroll = £508 1 point = £10 Saturday MUSSELBOROUGH 3.25                                            Time to Study                      11/4         general    1 point to win    won...
The Snout Day 24

The Snout Review Day 21

The Snout Review Day 21         Friday June 2 Bankroll = £518.08 1 point = £10 EPSOM 3.10                                   US Army Ranger                     14/1        0.5 each way     William Hill,Boylesport     LOST 5.50                            ...
The Snout Day 24

The Snout Review Day 19

The Snout Review Day 19           Wednesday May 31st   Current Bankroll = £568.08 1 point = £10   BEVERLEY 3.00                          Twentysvntonlancers           6/1        general   0.5 each way           LOST AYR 8.10        ...
The Snout Day 24

The Snout Review Day 18

The Snout Review Day 18           Tuesday May 30   NO BETS TODAY EXPLANATION FROM THE SNOUT   No dice today as two runners were beaten and one was a non runner. Pearl Acclaim was sent on his way too quickly by Josh Doyle as he was...