Total Football Trading The Paper Chaser – Day 2

4th October 2011

Hi Bloggers, Sgt Colin here with the 2nd day’s results for TFT The Paper Chaser.

With this being international week, there were again very few games being played today with decent amounts of money being staked on them pre kick off, so again a limited choice. Again I had one selection which seemed to show promise!

Osters v Jonkopings Sodra
We layed Osters at 2.26 (to a liability of 100 points). Initially the trade moved in our favour, but fell into negative territory. Having bounced around breakeven for a while, the price moved against us quickly, breaking through the stop loss (2.18) before I could manually close out the trade, which I did at 2.08. This resulted in a loss of 6.87 points.
I could have enforced the stop loss if I was continually monitoring the movements – or by using a bot. This would have limited the loss to 2.91 points.
So, two days gone, two selections, 1 winner, one loser – but with the loser outweighing the gain by a margin.
5.52 points down – I’m going to have to learn fast………….

[Click here to see the Total Football Trading sales page…]

Sgt Colin – Total Football Trading The Paper Chaser