The Horse That Should Win – Day 1

19th september 2011

Hi Bloggers,

The Horse That Should Win service now run on the Ie Software bot included on the service price.

This is the reason why I’ll restart this review. The bot is simple to set on the tipster settings with The Horse That Should Win service.

Here are The Horse That Should Win results on day 1 as the bot exports. Only played selections will be on results.

Initial bank – 1000 points and 10 point on stake.

DateTime Market Selection Type Price Size Result Source Running Bank
9/19/2011 14:29 Kemp Equity Card L 3.50 10 9.50 THTSW-LAY 1,009.50
9/19/2011 14:59 Kemp Berwin L 4.20 10 9.50 THTSW-LAY 1,019.00
9/19/2011 15:19 Leic Catalyze L 2.00 10 9.50 THTSW-LAY 1,028.50
9/19/2011 15:39 Ham Tadabeer B 1.83 10 -10.00 THTSW-BACK 1,018.50
9/19/2011 16:09 Ham Master Of Dance B 7.00 10 -10.00 THTSW-BACK 1,008.50
9/19/2011 16:43 Ham Bosun Breese L 16.00 10 9.50 THTSW-LAY 1,018.00
9/19/2011 17:19 Leic Oetzi L 6.20 10 9.50 THTSW-LAY 1,027.50
9/19/2011 17:49 Leic Muftarres L 11.00 10 9.50 THTSW-LAY 1,037.00

Running Bank after Day 1= 1037.00 points – profit on day 1- 37.00 points

Running Bank = 1037.00 points – profit 37.00 points

Until my next update,


[Click here to see The Horse That Should Win]