The Specialist – Day 28  April 24th 

Hi Bloggers

There was 14 selections today 6 x Back All and 8 Being Selective (5 x 1 point, 3 x 2 point)  there was 4 winners in total one at 6.03 BFSP and 3 at smaller prices all from the Being Selective bets. Also as we had 2 being Selective selections in the same race on two occassions we had 2 exotic bets  (2x R/F) which both  lost , although one did come pretty close with a 1st and a third. Overall taking all 3 methods the day produced a slight loss.

 Back All    6 Selections/No Winners 

Being Selective    8 Selections ( 5 x 1 point,  3 x 2 point)/ 4 Winners

     2 Winners at 1.48 & 2.53 BFSP/1.44 & 2.50 ISP (1 point )

     2 Winners at 6.03 & 2.32 BFSP/6.00 & 2.10 ISP(2 point)

   Exotic Bets 2 x R/F / Lost

 Back All Selections (ISP) 

  P/L on the Day = minus 6.00 points 

   Running Bank after Day 28 =  91.46 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Back All Selections (BFSP) 

     P/L on the Day = minus 6.00 points 

     Running Bank after Day 28 = 97.57 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Being Selective (ISP)

     P/L on the Day = +9.14 points

       Running Bank after Day 28 = 83.38 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Being Selective (BFSP)

     P/L on the Day = + 8.97 points 

    Running Bank after Day 28 = 86.80 points (100 points Starting Bank)

    Exotic Bets (Forecasts):

    P/L on the Day = minus 4 points 

    Running Bank after Day 28 (CSF) = 82.87 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Running Bank after Day 28 (Exacta) = 83.00 points (100 points Starting Bank)


                                        Best Regards

                                           Sgt Dave

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