Zero Risk Trader Day 1

18th August 2013


Sgt Flavell – Reviews Zero Risk Trader

This review covers Sunday 18th August 2013.

As stated in the Introduction, this system will generate zero risk trading opportunities in the UK and Irish horse racing markets.
My objectives for the first day of the review were to sample the trades generated by the program, in particular, how many, how persistent and how valuable.

During the day I used the program to sample the zero risk profitable trades for approximately 30 mins on and off between 14:00 and 17:00 (UK time).

During this time the program generated 18 unique trades.

The trades are constucted by the program so that if the horse looses you break even, otherwise you will win, the amount depending on whether the horse wins or places.

Of the 18 unique trades, the ROI for a win was average 16.6% and for the place was average 11.6%. Of these runners 8 won or were placed giving a cumulative 90.4% of the ‘level stake’ won in the day (in this case a level stake includes the fixed amount put on the ‘main bet’ and the associated monies put on the trade bets).
Because there is zero risk, you could choose a large proportion of your bank as level stake. Of course, the amount that it is possible to bet is dependent on the amount you have with the particular book makers involved and, with the exchanges, the liquidity.
Nevertheless, not bad for 30 minutes work !

On the negative side:
1. The trade details did seem to change rapidly. The ROI of the trade did seem to change on most refreshes, sometimes a trade would disappear from the results and then reappear at a later time.
It is important, if and when I come to put money on these trades that the details do persist for long enough for me to get the monies on. Otherwise it’s not zero risk !
Hopefully over the next few days I will get a better understanding of the persistence of these trades, it might be that, for example, the trade becomes less persistent closer to the off.
It would be useful if the program produced a log file so that I could see information about the persistence and movement of these trades.
2. Frustatingly I found that it was necessary to use this program during the day, when I ran the program in the morning, I didn’t see that trades that I saw later in the day. I stated in my Introduction, I am reviewing this system as someone with a ‘9 to 5’ job.
Fortunately I am on holiday for the next 2 weeks and so I hope to resolve the issue during that time.
My gut feeling is that this system is applicable to markets in different timezones so why can’t it be configured for those markets so that I can use this system in the evenings.

Nevertheless, a very positive start.

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see Zero Risk Trader]


Sgt Flavell Reviews Zero Risk Trader