Zero Risk Trader Day 7

24th August 2013


Sgt Flavell – Reviews Zero Risk Trader

Hi  readers,

This is my fourth full day of paper trading.

Odds up to 7/1  stake 10 points e/w
Odds from 15/2 to 16/1 stake 6 points e/w
Odds from 16/1 to 25/1 stake 4 points e/w
Odds from 25/1 or more stake 2  point   e/w

Shown below are today’s trades, refer back to earlier posts for the trades made on earlier days.

I looked at the trades generated by the program this morning and selected a single potential 40+ ROI trade. Unfortunately this trade ended up as a break even trade.

Because of other business it wasn’t until 6pm that I was able to look at the program generated trades again and none were generated for the remaining 2 hours of UK and Irish racing so today ended with no change to the bank. 

Date Time Course Horse Betfair lay odds profit Bank total comment

carry over bank

 *profit and Bank total rounded to the 2nd decimal place

Let me know if you want different information included in the daily reviews or if you have any questions.

[Click here to see Zero Risk Trader]


Sgt Flavell Reviews Zero Risk Trader