9 Minute System – Day 47

3rd January

There were two selected races today. The first race was a losing selection. Just before the off on the second race, I got matched odds, but the Bookies website went down just as I was about to place my back bet, and the site didn’t come on again until the race had started. This emphasises the importance of backing first with the Bookie before laying on the exchange, as advised by me at the start of the review. So there were no bets on the second race.

Variant 1

Days P/L:  +0.00 points

Cumulative P/L:  +9.60 points

Running Balances:

Bookie a/c: 13.50 points

Exchange a/c: 96.10 points

Total Running Balance (100 point starting balance): 109.60 points


Variant 2

Days P/L:  -0.05 points

Cumulative P/L:  +9.15 points

Running Balances:

Bookie a/c: 13.50 points

Exchange a/c: 95.65 points

Total Running Balance (100 point starting balance): 109.15 points


Variant 3

Days P/L:  0.00 points

Cumulative P/L:  +6.95 points

Running Balances:

Bookie a/c: 15.00 points

Exchange a/c: 91.95 points

Total Running Balance (100 point starting balance): 106.95 points


[Click Here to see the sales page for the 9 Minute System…]

Sgt Rich