The Low Lay – Introduction
3rd June 2011
Sergeant Rich – Introduces The Low Lay
Hi Bloggers,
The Low Lay aims to make long-term profits. Subscribers get one quality low priced horse racing lay tip every day by e-mail, usually before 11am.
They advise to get your bets matched after getting the email, rather than waiting for Betfair SP. Whenever possible, during the review, I will report the advised price and the price I can get on Betfair at the earliest chance to look. On those days when I am not around when the email is received, I will report the Betfair SP. The service has a maximum lay price of 3.0 so individual losses are never going to be high, which is very reassuring as lays at long odds take a lot of catching up.
If the available price is above the maximum price advised in the e-mail, the recommendation is to place a lay at that max price and let it go in-play to see if it is matched. Presumably the results quoted on the website, do not include this tactic as they are all quoted at the early price quoted in the e-mail.
On my results I will denote when the lay bet is matched in-play.
The past results on The Low Lay website are reassuringly realistic. Since April 14th 2010 – a year ago – the profit has been £4,570 (Average of £351 per month) to £100 lays (£100 Backers stakes). So to 1 point lays the total profit has been 45.7 points or an average of 3.51 points per month. That might not sound like much, but I make that an average of 0.585% profit per day on the recommended bank of 20 points. So there is plenty of potential to compound up the stakes ( see my article on 1%ers in newsletter#39 )
Of the 13 months of results, five months made a loss (max loss -£370 min loss -£25). Of the nine profitable months the max profit was £1,770 and the min profit was £60. So don’t expect non-stop profits, there will be ups and downs like all betting strategies.
A word of caution as regards the review period. Mostly during the past results a two month or three month period would have produced an overall profit. But Nov and Dec 2010 produced a total loss of -£215 and extending it to include Jan 2011 produced a total loss of -£240. So if the product had been reviewed during that period it would have been failed, yet overall it has made a profit. And in the following February all the losses were recovered! A long-term view is going to be needed.
The subscription cost for The Low Lay is £29.99 per month and I will take that into account when reviewing the overall profitability of the service. The service recommends a 20 point starting bank, which covers 6 or 7 consecutive losing lays. At £100 stakes that would be a bank of £2,000 which is probably too a high level for starting out on a service. £10 level stakes would on average cover the monthly subscription. £50 stakes would, on past performance, produce an average profit of £175 per month which covers the subscription with a nice little profit of £145 per month.
So for this review of The Low Lay I will place £50(1 point) lays with a starting bank of £1,000(20 points) (still quite high).
Sgt Rich
Click here to see the Low Lay sales pages…