Sunday 26th June
A bad day at the office for Legacy with results getting progressively worse with each result. Can you spot the sequence? 😉
2.10 Curragh Toughasnails 2nd 3.35 (BSP 3.05)
3.10 Curragh Inxile 3rd 2.64 (BSP 2.64)
3.50 Curragh Carlton House 4th 2.38 (BSP 2.23)
4.00 Windsor Pressure Drop 5th 3.40 (BSP 5.00)
4.45 Salisbury Blackdown Fair 6th 4.60 (BSP 4.30)
A poor day with just two odds on shots winning.
2.15 Uttoxeter Art Broker 2nd 2.64 (BSP 2.98)
2.55 Windsor Albany Rose 1st 1.93 (BSP 1.83)
4.45 Salisbury Blackdown Fair 6th 4.60 (BSP 4.30)
5.25 Uttoxeter Themanfromfraam 6th 3.05 (BSP 2.44)
5.45 Salisbury Camberley Two 1st 1.83 (BSP 1.69)
Camberley Two qualifies as a bet if taking the early price
Strike Rate: Legacy: 25% (10/40) Saver: 34% (16/47)
Opening Bank: 92.92 points
Legacy P/L today: minus 5 points
Legacy Cumulative P/L: minus 9.57 points
Saver P/L today: minus 1.33 points
Saver Cumulative P/L: minus 3.84 points
Closing Bank: 86.59 points
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Sgt Jon