Friday 12th August
I will be off line this weekend so next betting day will be Monday 15th August
6.55 Catterick Stormy Whatever 6th 3.50 (BSP 3.70)
2.55 Nottingham Lady Paris 1st 2.75 (BSP 2.12)
4.20 Newbury Farlow 2nd 2.38 (BSP 2.74)
Strike Rate: Legacy: 27.05% (23/85) Saver: 38.1% (37/97)
Opening Bank: 97.22 points
Legacy P/L today: minus 1 point
Legacy Cumulative P/L: minus 1.89 points
Saver P/L today: + 0.66 points
Saver Cumulative P/L: minus 1.23 points
Closing Bank: 96.88 points
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Sgt Jon