Racing Dossier Systems Final Review

Inform Fancies & Speedy Topweights

14th June 2013

Failed Reviews

Sergeant Lucian – Final Review of The Racing Dossier Systems

Racing Dossier is a piece of  software useful in analysis of a race on many factors, or it can be run with 2 race cards systems available on the site and which are recommended by Michael. It is these two systems that we have reviewed for the past 56 days and the final rating is not conclusive of the actual software “Racing Dossier”.

To use the systems we have reviewed, you need to download the Racing Dossier software from the website. To run the software, you also need Adobe Air, which you can get for free. Support is escellent in setting up and downloading the Racing Dossier. Now I would just like to point out that we are not basing this review on the actual Racing Dossier software. The Racing Dossier is a fantastic ratings tool that once logged into the software you can use to devise your own niche systems and angles based on ratings.

You use the software to provide your selections for the day for the two systems Michael provides.  There are easy to understand instruction videos on the site which take you through using the software. We found this very easy to follow & once you’ve used the software for a week or so, it really is as easy as breathing! The software allows you to export race cards & selections to Excel (you can use free versions of excel including the excel viewer)

The website  has a forum which you are recommended to join. You will find many ideas, tests and discussions on systems and can make suggestions for future improvements.

There are monthly & quarterly options if you want to buy the system, currently priced at £19.75 & £49.75 respectively..

We review this product from the light of two systems provided by Michael.

System 1:  In Form Fancies

This is a Win & Place System and I have combined the results of this system.

Start Bank : 200 points

FINAL Bank : 70.37 Points

WIN P/L/: -129.63 points

System 2:  Speedy Topweights

Again, this is a Win & Place System and I have combined the results of this system.

Start Bank : 200 points

FINAL Bank : 202.49 Points

P/L/: +2.49 points

I’ll not make any more calculations, statistics are clear the two systems failed to bring profit (when factoring in the cost of service).  A small profit is from Speedy Topweights.

We have no choice to fail these two systems provided with what is an absolutely magnificent ratings tool. We will be doing a full comprehensive review of The Racing Dossier software int he coming weeks/months ahead. SO please keep an eye out for that on this link [BST Software Reviews Here]

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

Failed Reviews

[Click here to see Racing Dossier]


Sgt Lucian – Reviews Racing Dossier