Zero Risk Trader Day 69

25th October 2013


Sgt Flavell – Reviews Zero Risk Trader

Hi  readers,

One Zero Risk Trades this evening which broke even and 2 ARBs which returned a profit of 6.21 points. 

The ARB odds and profit information below is correct, I was using a variable stake and my arb calculations might not have been optimal. From now on I will use a 10 point bet for my ARB (unless it risks tying up too much of my bank) and calculate the stake using

Odds up to 7/1  stake 10 points e/w
Odds from 15/2 to 16/1 stake 6 points e/w
Odds from 16/1 to 25/1 stake 4 points e/w
Odds from 25/1 or more stake 2  point   e/w


Date Time Course Horse Trade type Betfair lay odds profit Profit comment
 23/10/2013             112.45

carry over bank

  18:30 Wolverhampton Meetings Man ARB 21/16.5 2.13 114.58  
  19:00 Wolverhampton The Which Doctor ARB 17/9.8 4.08 118.66  

 *profit and Bank total rounded to the 2nd decimal place.

[Click here to see Zero Risk Trader]



Sgt Flavell Reviews Zero Risk Trader