UK Horseracing TV Review Summary
Hi Bloggers,
Unfortunately due to some persistant internet problems, I have had to wrap
up the review earlier than anticipated. I can however still give an informed opinion
on the last several weeks of using the service.
First of all on the manual trading side of things, I managed around 50 days trying
this service out as recommended by Sid, the author, as the optimum way to trade
on these selections. As you know my overall flat stake profit got up to + 80 odd pts
in that time and although I’m not sure what that total may have reached by 84 days,
I am pretty confident it would have been over the 100 pt mark at least.
I may have been a little lucky during that time in that I managed to finish my
trading quite early on many occasions, but there were times where I had to trade
for 3 or 4 hours to get the required daily profit. This factor has to be taken into
account when weighing up the time spent versus profit gained factor, and the
question, is the monthly charge plus the time spent gaining a profit acceptable
when considering the total profit made? This is definitely a matter of personal
preference, circumstance and having the ability and, to some degree, the skill
necessary to manually trade successfully. There is definitely some potential there
IF you have the time and patience to try it.
On the point of Auto trading.
Firstly I don’t really have enough evidence to support this type of trading, despite
the fantastic feedback from the bloggers with some of their detailed summaries, etc.
The couple of days I did try this myself with various settings resulted in some
heavy losses, albeit I was auto trading with no stop losses in place just for the
purposes of the trial. The evidence from the bloggers though would seem to support
the lack of any real cohesive settings on the software with many up and down days
over the course of the last several weeks.
Sid has not really produced a ‘blueprint’ for optimum Auto trading but I’m sure
this is something he is striving towards ‘getting a handle on’ in the coming weeks
and months. I certainly hope he succeeds.
Sid himself provides an excellent customer service and unlike certain other
‘parties’ around here, actually does reply promptly to any and all queries you
may have and is more than happy to help with problems with the software, excel
settings, etc. I certainly have no complaints on that score.
So in conclusion and in agreement with James, we have decided to put UK
Horseracing TV into the neutral section for the moment, with a possible view for
re-consideration, when the settings (auto trading) look to start showing a more
consistent return on a daily and weekly basis.
I would like to thank Sid, James (not Sid James!) and all the contributors to the blog
for their fantastic feedback over the last several weeks. I have really enjoyed
reviewing this particular service and look forward to hearing more from UK
Horseracing TV soon.
All the best, Tommy.
[Click Here To See Uk Horse Racing.TV….]