Bookie Demolisher Review Summary

Bookie Demolisher has since been removed from webspace at Sportsworld. I have no idea why this is but because of this I have to move Bookie Demolisher to the neutral section of the blog!

The Sales Pitch





* 100 WINNERS OF 9/1 AND OVER!!! *

* £130,000 PROFIT IN 2 YEARS *



Hi, my name is Ady (Adrian, but I prefer Ady) and I am reviewing ‘Bookie Demolisher’ for James.

The system comes as a very easy to understand e-book which explains everything perfectly. For this review, all prices quoted are taken from and Betfair. Prices are correct at exactly 30 minutes before the scheduled race off time. Stakes are set at £1 per point.

Note From Admin

I want to thank Ady for his review, I think we can all agree that for his first attempt it was very well scoped for nigh on 9 – 10 weeks!

Ady recommends this system to blog readers and I have to agree with him that it deserves to be where it is. IT makes a profit, quite simply put, for 2 months running with some uneasy days as well. If you would like to purchase the system please do so on the following link and Ady will personally help you with his twist, which is a whole new system in its self really. so your getting two for the price of one.

Best Regards.

Bookie Demolisher – End of review report


I was a little sceptical about doing this review as I’d never done anything like it before, however I soon got the hang of it.

After buying a few systems in the past, each of them turning out to be a total waste of time and more importantly, a total waste of my money, I wasn’t expecting too much from Demolisher as I’d already started thinking that they were all a complete load of rubbish. Much to my surprise, on this occasion I have been proved wrong.

Now I don’t profess to be some kind of expert on systems, as I said I’ve only purchased a few. I’ve always been one to believe that if something is so good then why sell it? Why not just keep it to yourself and reap the profits, selling it on would surely mean that you just can’t get the prices when you need them? The betting exchanges mean that more people can get more money on and more people are willing to take your bet, hence why I think the influx of systems has dramatically increased over the past few years.

Originally this review was only due to last for 1 month, however after some careful consideration from both James and myself, we decided that it would be much more of a true test if I continued for a further month. We started off on the wrong foot in my opinion, starting a review right at the time of one of the biggest flat racing festivals of the year, where every race had almost every horse trying for the glory and honours. But still I plodded on, checking the racing, making the selections, placing the bets.

There have been some seriously bad days for the system, but then there have been some very good ones too, including a very controversial bet, which some people and some other review sites didn’t register as a bet. This was Laa Rayb, winner at 25/1. This horse DID in fact meet with the required pricing criteria at the 30 minute point with at least one of the best odds bookies, so therefore was a bet for the purpose of my review. I understand that some people wouldn’t of made the bet, dependant upon what time you place your bets, but even without that selection the system has still finished the two month trial in profit, which can only be a good thing.

Now you don’t have to place your bets at 30 minutes, you can place them whenever you like, but then there’s always the possibility that when you look to bet, the selection isn’t a bet, but at a later time it is and wins. Like anything in this game, you have to take the rough with the smooth I’m afraid. Of course there is always the possibility of betting the selections blind, which would mean you’d be backing many more selections and probably reducing your profit margin, but, if the inevitable happens and one of the much bigger prices does happen to win, you will boost your profits dramatically.

The beauty of this system is that because of the large price range used for the selections, even after a losing run all it takes is a couple of winning selections and the profits can sky rocket before your very eyes. To be honest with you, I must say I’m impressed with how the system has performed, not many systems can say that they are in profit after one month, never mind two consecutive months. I understand that this is partly due to the fact that there have been a few very nice priced winners, but even so, it’s finished two months in profit.


There have been a total of;

283 bets made

48 of these were winners

5 of these were placed [when e/w bets]

This gives an overall SR of 16.96%

Also, including the placed selections SR of 18.73%

Equating to +43.04 points profit if using the Bookies

And +44.75 points Profit after standard 5% commission if using Betfair

If you use my little twist (well documented throughout the trial) which incidentally took me 3 weeks to notice, you would’ve increased the Betfair profit to +61.25 points.

Now at the end of the day it’s completely up to you if you think this system is for you, but from a personal point of view, I feel that it would be a worthy addition to any portfolio, as profits speak for themselves. If anyone who purchases this product via the blog would like a heads up on my little twist, feel free to ask James for my email address and I’ll help you out.

I hope you have all enjoyed the extended review, I know I’ve thoroughly enjoyed doing it.

Ady Sutcliffe