Favourites Phenomenon Introduction
Monday March 8th
Hi Bloggers
Well its Sgt Dave again most of the regular bloggers should know me by now and what a coincidence that i am reviewing a system with the word phenom as part of the name(lol). Now on to the serious stuff the Favourites Phenomenon System(Which i will refer to as FP after this) is written by Matt Watson a self made professional gambler and of course it revolves around backing favourites and using the Stop at Winner method(After this i will call it SAW).
I am looking forward to trialing this system i have heard some good things about it, lets see what the review period produces as usual i will give my honest opinion. The first refreshing thing about the FP website is that is no wild claims of instant riches and even in the FAQ’s Matt admits that this method should be a part of a portfolio and not the only system you will ever need. This approach also applies to the 15 page PDF manual that you will get if you purchase FP, also included in the price is lifetime entry to the FP System members area, e-mail support as long as you need it and a 14 day free trial of the FP Bot. So back to the manual only 15 pages no fluff, reasonably written only noticed one mistake a double entry on page 4, the first 2 pages cover why people go wrong using SAW and page 4″ How to succeed using the FP system”. Page 5 gives some back ground on how FP come about, Pages 6 & 7 go over the mechanics of the system and working out the stakes. The system itself is on page 9 and has 4 rules, although rule 4 is split into three, Staking and size of bank is covered on page 10, further important things to consider are on pages11 to 13. If you wanted to back check the results using Adrian Massey website some tips how to do this are on 13 and 14, the placing of bets (The author recommends Betfair because you can use the FP Bot, odds are higher and bet in running) and final thoughts are covered on the last page.
Now the system has 3 levels from beginner to advanced, the bank required ranges from 100 to 200 points and the success rate increases when you go to the higher level but so do the losses. There is a maximum loss recommended for the day by the author for each level, the objective of the system is to make 1 point profit on every racing day, of course there will be days when this does not happen hence the maximum loss suggestion. On some days there will be no betting these are covered in the “Important things to consider” pages. I am going to try and follow the author’s rules, will give P/L figures etc for all 3 levels at both BFSP and ISP. The author does recommend Betfair i am not sure that there will be that much difference between the bookie prices especially with 5% commission deducted. The author recommends placing your bet 1 minute before the off but does admit that this might be to close for some punters so thats why i will using BFSP/ISP to keep continuity. So in conclusion we have a simple to use system that should make a set profit on most days, the downside well you have to be at your computer for 30 minutes to a couple of hours as you have to follow the racing live, or if you cannot do that there is the option of the FP Bot i mentioned earlier which is available for 35 pounds a month once the 14 day free trail is over. There is some good advice in the manual but i know that this system will not be for everyone. What can you expect to make profit wise well since January 2006 to January 2010 the FP System has made a total of 826 points this is an average of 16.85 points per month, this is using Level 3, if it lives upto these results on the website then it could be a very useful addition to ones portfolio, lets see what the review produces !.
Best Regards
Sgt Dave