30 January 2013

Sergeant John reviewing Football Lays

Yet another loss tonight, the seventh in succession for the Football Lays, the system making only 15.69 points since the start almost two months ago. This puts the current running bank back to exactly the position it was on day six, 31 betting days ago.

Winning bets are subject to 5% commission from Betfair.

  Lay odds Liability Profit/Loss
Arsenal  2.52 1.52 0.95
Everton  1.66 1.98 -1.98
Manchester United  1.29 4.06 -4.06

Running bank: 265.69

Starting Bank: 250 points

Daily profit/loss: -5.09

Best Regards

[Click here to see Football Lays]

Sergeant John Reviewing Football Lays