Horse Betting Analyst Introduction

 01 June 2014


Sgt Jack – Introduces Horse Betting Analyst

Hi, Sgt Jack here to review Horse Betting Analyst, a straightforward tipping service that boasts an impressive ongoing ROI of 27% going back over several years.

Tips are sent out daily Monday to Saturday. A starting bank of 250 points is recommended and a stake between 0.5 and 10 points is given with each selection. I will be tracking results with both the recommended stakes and level stakes.

This will be a standard 56 day review, stretching to 84 days if the performance merits. I expect to post updates at least twice a week.

This is a not a cheap service, retailing at £499 for each 6 month period starting in February and August. If you join between these times you start with a pro-rata subscription fee depending on when you join the 6 month cycle. Payment is made via PayPal, although other payment options are available by contacting the service’s racing office in London.

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see Horse Betting Analyst]


Sgt Jack Introduces Horse Betting Analyst