Horse Betting Professor – Introduction
Hi constables,
The Commissioner has asked me to review, the Horse Betting Professor system. This is the latest system from Rich Allen (he of SportsBetting Professor fame).
The system costs a one-off payment of $147 USD (currently) – approx £105 (GBP) and payment is made via Clickbank who are well known for their good refund policy.
This payment provides you with 3 system parts :
i) The 49 page Horse Betting Professor manual in PDF format.
ii) A 2 page Hot Sheet PDF document
iii) A years worth of tips sent to your email address.
On attempting to pay the $147, you are immediately hit with an up-sell for the ‘Platinum Package’ which gives you a lifetime’s supply of tips and updates to the Hot Sheet – this is for a one-off payment of $497 USD (approx £358.71 GBP).
I will go through the 3 system parts as listed below :
i) The 49 page Horse Betting Professor manual in PDF format.
Pages 1-7 are primarily fluff with an introduction sandwiched in-between.
Pages 8-10 discuss when you will receive the tips, what type of odds the system works at (this is a ‘value’ system, not a ‘favourites’ system) and what type of bets are favoured (each-way and 5 other forecast type bets).
Pages 11-18 discuss the Daily Racing Form website and how to use it for rating horses.
Pages 19-22 discuss the 14 different types of ratings that can be applied to rate a horse
Page 23 contains information about calculating advanced ratings
Page 24 is a summary.
Pages 25-47 are a comprehensive glossary of race associated terms.
Pages 48-49 are blank
ii) A 2 page Hot Sheet PDF document
A list of promising horses to follow over 2 race courses compiled during the period May 30th to June 20th graded between 0 and 2 stars.
iii) A years worth of tips sent to your email address.
Normally emailed daily between Wednesday and Sunday, a list of horses that have already been rated for you. . Selections are provided for every race at a chosen meeting and this does go against the grain as selections will be received for races that don’t qualify as per the manual’s instructions.
There can be between 1 and 4 selections per race. Remember these are value bets and won’t feature the favourite if the favourite is below the minimum odds this system works at.
The first named selection you are advised to bet each-way, the rest are recommended to consider for the forecast bet types.
Have I any issues with the system?
Unfortunately, there is one big stumbling block not mentioned in the advertising blurb on the sales website.
In order to rate horses yourself using information contained you will need access to the Daily Rating Form website (DRF). This is what I think of as the US equivalent of the UK’s Racing Post website – a treasure trove of facts and figures.
Unfortunately, you have to pay for this information, which, as I said before, is not mentioned in the advertising on the sales website. Looking at an unlimited annual package for the DRF (which offers the best value overall), this will either cost you $995 USD (approx £721 GBP) for the basic package or $1249.95 (£902.15 GBP) for the deluxe package. I am unsure (still investigating) what package is actually required, but this amount of money as an extra is in my view unacceptable.
I emailed The Commissioner on this point, and he in turn contacted Rich Allen who had this reply :
Hey James,
The DRF is I believe the equivalent of a racing post. It has all the information of past performances from races, etc. I don’t know how you could even think of placing a bet without it. Yes, it’s an added expense but if you bet horses at all you would probably be getting this type of information (I hope) anyways.
I will leave it to you constables to form your own view on this matter, but as it stands, you will not be able to rate horses yourself using the manual’s advice unless you stump up a large chunk of further cash. This means you will be reliant on the tips only.
Another point that bugs me is that the manual plugs (twice) that tips (only) can be received (and paid for) on a monthly basis, and a link is provided where you can pay $29 USD (approx £20 GBP) for the first month and then $47 USD (approx £33 GBP) monthly thereafter. This cross-sell is unnecessary to people using the system/tips in their first year as tips are free for this first year.
How will I review the system/tips?
I am unable to review the system of rating horses. The extra cost of the DRF makes it unfeasible for me to do so.
So I will be concentrating on the tips only. The manual suggests betting the first-named selection for each race each-way only, so I will do that. I will also look at the possibility of the more exotic forecast type bets and what kind of return these might have provided.
So, an introduction summary…
This system allows you to rate horses if you are prepared to pay extra to access the DRF. If not, then you still get a year’s worth supply of tips (which would be the end product if you had rated the races yourself, I guess).
The tips give you a recommended each-way bet opportunity for each race and the potential to dutch some races to win more lucrative forecast bets. The tips provided are ‘value’ tips and are all greater than odds specified in the manual. This means that any horse under these particular odds is outside the scope of these selections.
I am still going through some previous tips emails to see how the system has fared recently. I intend to give it another afternoon of ‘system revision’. My first review post will therefore be this Wednesday 9th June.
In the meantime, if you have any comments, queries or ideas, please let me know. This review is being done for you people out there so your comments are important to me.
Cheers for now,
Sergeant Rob.