Racing Dossier – Introduction
24th March 2013
Sergeant Lucian – Introduces The Racing Dossier
Hi Bloggers,
Here is my second review on a Michael Wilding product – Racing Dossier.
This piece of software can analyze a race on many factors as user set or it can be run with 2 race cards systems available on the site and which are recommended. Also is one free race card for trial. Race card can contains many criteria on analyze a race: age, weight, penalty, jockey claim, headgear, beaten favourite, etc – 490 Ratings Available . Selections identified can be exported in three ways: RaceAdvisor Export Files, GHB CSV File and BetDynamic CSV File. Also if you already have Betting Speed Evolutions license you will also find a tab with BSE.
There is a support page where you can find all data about this products in videos with all its capabilities. Values on this kind of products came from all filters and criteria for making a system or implementing one. Also on Forum you will find many ideas, tests and discussions on systems and can make suggestions for future improvements.
From install and operate with Racing Dossier things are simple and good explained on videos. Videos cover all steps – Setup and Installations, Overview, Creating Race Cards, Using Race Cards, Exporting Data, Filters, Rating Descriptions. Also you will find The Ratings – a pdf file with all ratings description implemented on software. From The Ratings a user can realize if the software has what he need to operate his own system, create systems or implement a currents system in order to save time to operate.
We will evaluate this software with the two systems from seller available for full software license. Also is a race card system, BEPFP System, available for trial version.
Before I start to describe the two system I want to let you know that the price options are monthly at £ 19.75 and quarterly at £ 49.75.
So full license capabilities are: 490 Ratings, Unlimited Race Cards, Unlimited Filters, Contender Highlighting, Selection Marking, Data Exporting, Historical Ratings, Selection Export.
Now about the two systems with which will try to reach profit.
In Form Fancies and Speedy Topweights. For both the starting bank will be 100 and level stake will be the choice. Both systems has clear rules and not provide selections from one click. The software not provide selections from one click – selections process differ from a system to another. Also as I did on the Betting Speed Evolutions final review maybe I can suggests some odds rules in order to maximize the profit.
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.
[Click here to see Racing Dossier]