RebelBetting Day 40

4th September

Hi Bloggers,

Four arbs today. The Middle on the American Football match was too specific, but it was going to make almost 2% anyway, so there was not harm in doing it, even though one particular Bookie, as usual, reduced my stakes. I expect that Bookie to do this, so when an arb comes up with them, I always make sure I place the bet with them first and adjust the stakes with the other bookie, once I know what stakes the first will accept.

The third arb had shortening odds on Pinnacle after the other bet had been accepted. but it was still profitable.

CM=Cross Market Arb; EU=European handicap; AH=Asian Handicap; Moneyline or 3-Way= 1×2 match odds; 2-Way=Draw No Bet; Middle=Arb where max profit is made if the middle opton (eg Draw) wins.

Day Arb Type Total Stake Actual Return %age Return
Day 40 4/9

CM Team1(3-Way) Draw Team2(AH0.25) 99.42 3.06 3.08%

Middle Team1(AH-18) Team2(AH18.5) 54.05 1.05 1.94%

CM Team1(AH-0.5) Team2(AH0.5) 102.98 0.71 69.00%

AH Team1(-0.25) Team2(0.25) 100.30 3.02 3.02%

Total Profit 7.84

Here is today’s spreadsheet of balances for Rebelbetting:

Type Amount
Total Deposits/Withdrawals 1600.00
Total in Play 200.28
Total Bonuses 126.36
Total Arb Profit 713.61
Total Bankroll 2439.97
Total Profit Withdrawn 400.00


Sgt Rich – reviewing RebelBetting

Click here to see the RebelBetting sales pages…

Type Amount %
Total Deposits/Withdrawals 2000.00 78.74%
Total in Play 200.00 7.87%
Total Bonuses 101.36 3.99%
Total Arb Profit 438.57 17.27%
Total Bankroll 2539.93 100.00%
Total Balance on Books 2276.72 89.64%
Account Balance 63.21 2.49%