So Simply, Yet High Rewards, Low Risk!


Please watch this quick 6 minute video.


Shouldn't take too long to come up.

This is an exciting Strategy..especially if you love Football and betting.

How often do people stare at the closed door... not seeing the other new door that has opened?

Initially this was Betfair's problem getting people to the table.. but 11 years on and the tickle is now

as raging torrent. bring millions of £'s with it, and it really has turned betting on it's ear.

The old backem approach is now not the only game in town.

If you are still trying to bash the bookies... get real!

We are in a betting age that is changing fast, and you need to look at different doors in order to make money betting.

This could be your answer, take this quick survey.

1. Do you like Football? Yes/No

2. Can you bet with Betfair? Yes/ No

3. Does Low Risk Betting, good return excite you? Yes/No

4. Are you willing to learn simple trading? Yes/No

If you have said yes to these 4 questions I am sure we can help on.



Football is played all year round, so there will always be games that you can invest in.

With the two prong attack we use you will be making money.

Bets are place before the game starts, and then out usually by 45 minute mark.


30 Winning Days, out of 34 Betting days

Here are the results since Public release:




Third Day after release another winning day!!

Second Day after Public Release.

More Profit.


The Very First Day of Release to the Public with qualifying matches.

On $50 bets you can see the results in this Betfair Screen Shot.

A $100.53 Profit.. If betting the recommended $100 per Bet Profit would be $201.00.

What are these figures above?

These results are based on $(£)100 bets, depending on your currency you bet in.

It shows that in 34 days, with a $1,000 bank we have made $1,000 plus profit!

That is 100% return on the bank. In 34 days!

And how do I benefit?

By using this straight forward approach on Football with a $1000 bank, you can comfortable make around

$7,000 at least per year. Following only one game a betting day.

If you want to bet more games then the earning will be alot more.

That is betting maybe 45 minutes every other day, and there are a lot of night games, so if you work

during the day, this strategy will suit you.

Plus Football is played all year round, around the world.

Here are an example of a few recent trades.

These were our only trades on these days, this is only half of the trading strategy.

And you will get these results also..the above trades were at $30 and $50 staking.

What Football Leagues are used?

English Premier League (EPL)

France (Ligue 1)

Spain (Primera Division)

Germany (Bundesliga 1)

Italy (Serie A)

Scotland (Premier league)



World Cup

Euro Cup

Also Michael is studing other leagues to see if they maybe included!


There are many ways to bet on the world's number one game, Football (Soccer)

Some are rather exotic and hard to follow, like Asian Handicap.

Betfair Success Formula is simple but highly effective, and low risk.

This is a trading strategy that has a safety insurance aspect build in to it.

The only betting account you need is Betfair, No Bookie accounts will not suit this strategy.

About the Creator of this strategy?

Michael is Betfair Trader that gets his income for betting (investing as he calls it) on Betfair.

He trades in Horses, Cricket and Football. This is not his first strategy to be released

A list of his strategies are:

Betfairatm (Horses)

Pro Betfair Trading (Horses)

Place Lay Formula (Horses)

Betting Grenade (Horses)

2020 Cricket Trading ( Cricket)

and now...

this one Betfair Success Formula.

Most of Michael's clients are happy repeat purchasers of his very sound and workable strategies.

In the past he has personally coach clients on how to make money on Betfair.

Michael unfortunately does not do one on one coaching any more as it interferes with his trading.

See below what Rolland from Australia has to says on Betfairatm.

Hel uses all the strategies he offers everyday in his accumulation of wealth from Betfair.

To look outside the square with practical approaches is Michael's daily mission.

In three years of working with Michael he has only offered handful of products for me to market.

And the fact that many of the purchases have brought most if not all of his products.


Using sound methods you can reap the rewards of intelligent betting approach.

Take the path that has already been

blazed, after all isn't life about making things easier?

The 32 page pdf has plenty of Betfair screen shots to step you through this simple process of making money

via Football and Betfair.

Often I hear, yes but what will happen once this strategy is used by lots of people?

Won't every one bet betting the same games?

As someone who has sold systems, software and services for over 10 years, the last 5 years fulltime, I can

tell you many people purchase systems, read them and that's it, they never action the steps or use it at all.

Silly, stupid... yes but very true, hell it maybe even you that has done this.

So we know a lot of purchasers don't use the strategy, some that do don't follow the instructions and lose, some

lose first time they try it and then move on looking for the next silver bullet method.

Plus the money involve in the better Football games is huge, and opinions are widely divided as some

people will back their team even if it only had 7 fit players (extreme example.).

Also there are that many games being played around the world opportunities are everywhere.

One of the markets we are involved in is the outright result and this market is huge as far as money bet, so plenty of opportunity to trade out when needed.

Is this a one off Purchase?

Once you have the PDF ebook (32 pages) loads of screenshots to make it easier to understand. And no fluff just pure information to make Football pay.

Plus the tutorial video for you to watch.

There are no monthly fees etc from us.

You will be set to implement the strategy.

However we strongly suggest you grab one other tool. (Good tools make the task easier.)

We suggest you get either, Fairbot (prefered software.) US$99.00 for a whole year.

Or Geekstoy which is Free (donations to them are appreciated).

Or Betangel or similar.


Because theses software will work out the trades automatically, but also very importantly

much faster than the Betfair interface, plus they update faster also.

Action Zone...

This is the fork in the road, so to speak..

There are 3 choices...

1. Close the page and continue on your way.. without us.

2.Bookmark it and then forget about it, saying I will come back (doesn't happen unless I send you another email.)

if you do either 1 or 2 option, then that is the NO option, it will not affect me or Michael,

however you will never know what this opportunity could have done for you.

3. Prefer Option, click on the buy it button, and then open up your mind to this concept.

read the 32 page pdf, watch the video, and get access to Michael, if you need extra help.


15 Copies at


Then the Sale Price will be

£87.00 which is where

it will stay until we withdraw it!



Click Here To Download Now

If you want to pay on Moneybooker

please email me.




If you don't accept this offer where will you be with your punting in a month from now?

Steve Davidson © 2010

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Unlike companies that provide a tangible product that can be returned for a refund, our product is information. It can be used immediately upon viewing, and there is no product to return. Once a service has commenced, there can be no refund. Our services are the absolute best we can make them. Just as with the Stock Market, our customers must recognize that the information cannot be guaranteed, and that past performance is not a promise of future results. What is guaranteed is that each and every customer will receive the service that was purchased in full.

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