Soccer Streaks Final Review
8 November 2014
Sgt Short – Reviews Soccer Streaks
I will start as usual by reproducing the introduction to remind you where we came in.
Win Big Money backing low risk favourites.
The name alludes to the winning streaks expected by the author of this system. We will be betting on the match odds market on football. No cup, friendly or International games, but any league match will do, and I have already seen some pretty obscure ones. He has devised a checklist to select the most likely of favourites to win the game, and when you look at the list you can see why very few are chosen, and why the strike rate is over 90%. Having said that we don’t bet at very skinny odds, the minimum is 1.20.
I must admit that I’m one of those that generally can’t be bothered to bet at low odds, but this has gone a long way already towards changing my mind. When I consider that my new cash ISA currently makes 1.5% per year (I could have got 2.5% if I had locked it in for 5 years instead of 1), then making 20% in 2 hours is fabulous, as long as you realise that you will hit losers along the way which will make a large dent in your funds. The aim of Soccer Streaks is keep those losers to a minimum.
Customers buy a 17 page Guidebook, which explains the system in detail, together with a tailor-made spreadsheet to record results. This was £69.99 but has recently been reduced to £34.99. Finding selections is not too difficult, but could take a fair chunk of time. The guidebook says 10-15 minutes per day but I think you could multiply that several times for a Saturday or Sunday in the main season. To save you that most precious commodity you could pay for the VIP service, which will email the selections to you daily. This costs £9.99 per month or £79.99 per year.
There is a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
In order to make big money from low risk favourites you do of course require a staking plan, and this is one of the most aggressive I have seen yet apart from any kind of Martingale system. It suggests that you bet 1/3 of your bank on each bet, which is obviously going to move things along pretty quickly, but will also be a big reverse every time you hit a loser. My first selections email came the day after a loser, but the £60 starting bank was still up to just over £300 in 4 weeks, and this has been a very slow period for selections.
I would say that this is different to most systems in the way the bank is treated. If you started with a modest £150 bank then you would immediately be betting at £50 per match, which may seem a little excessive for some of us. Using the figures above you would be betting £100 per selection after 4 weeks. We should also consider, on the other hand, that a very short period of bad luck could blow the bank completely.
Personally I would probably look at this as a rolling bet where a proportion of the bank is used but there are funds left over for a reload if necessary. There is no advice in the manual about removing funds, although the bets (if we are lucky) will begin to get uncomfortably large. I am very interested to see how this progresses. I will start with a £60 bank and see what happens.
Results Summary
During our 12 week trial we had 115 advised bets, of which 99 were winners, a strike rate of 86.09%. This is a small but significant difference from the 90% target. Because of the nature of the advised plan another 4 winners would have made a huge difference to our final result. Using a £60 bank and following the staking plan we would have bet £9,822.35 for our profit of £357.65, a Return on Investment of 3.64%. If we had gone with £20 level stakes we would have bet £2,300 for our profit of £203.60 and the RoI would have increased to 8.85%. The average odds were 1.27. Our longest winning streak was 24 and we had consecutive losers 4 times.
An excellent idea, but how many would have followed the kamikaze staking plan I’m not sure. But of course you don’t have to do that. If somebody is giving you selections that are winning nearly 90% of the time there are all sorts of ways you could make money with that information.
We turned our £60 bank into £417.65 in 12 weeks, an increase of nearly 700%. This is an impressive figure but I would say it cannot be relied upon to be anything like consistent. When you are betting one third of your bank on each bet (and there were quite often 3 selections, so you would have been betting all of it) then the next winner or loser can make a big difference. For example if we had not had those 2 losers in the final week we would have doubled our profit to £723.40 and our bank would have increased by 1,200%. If you went the level stakes route you would have turned your £60 into £263.60, an increase of 439%.
Ease of Use
This would depend entirely on whether you paid the extra £9.99 per month to receive the selections. If you did then your only problem is finding a bookie to take your bet, some of the more obscure games were not covered by many, and you may have had to open some new accounts. The email turned up every day without fail, giving the selections for tomorrow, and a favourite if you only wanted to make 1 bet. My only criticism is that this email could arrive quite late, and could include an early morning selection, I did miss a couple because of this.
If you did not take the VIP Service then you would have spent a significant chunk of time every day on a hunt similar to a needle in a haystack, and on many days you would have come up blank. In this case I can imagine that you would quickly give up. I therefore consider this to be essential.
This is obviously a risky system if you follow it as advised. As I said in the introduction I would not consider the starting figure, £60 in this case, to be a bank but more a rolling bet. As it happens our £60 was never in any danger but this could have been different. Looked at in this different light I would say you have not much to lose (you could easily start with a smaller figure) and a great deal to gain.
Return on Investment
The figure quoted above of 3.64% is not very high. Again this figure could have been very different and will fluctuate a great deal. I think in this case the level stakes figure of 8.85% is a better indicator of your likely return. The average odds at 1.27 is pretty low, but the achieved strike rate of 86% should keep this figure respectable.
Support and Documentation
What you are buying for your £34.99 is the Guidebook, a 17 page PDF containing the system rules and explaining the concept of the staking plan. This is well written and you could manage with just this, but as I said before I consider the VIP Service to be essential unless you have a lot of time on your hands. You also get an Excel spreadsheet to record your results. They encourage input and opinions.
A great fun system with the possibility to make some serious profits, probably best described as like a game of Snakes and Ladders. Alternatively a source of quality information with the chance to make slow but steady progress on a more conventional path. The choice is yours.
Our Overall Rating:
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed the review.
[Click here to see Soccer Streaks]