Horse Betting Professor Final Review
Here is the review for the Horse Betting Professor system by Rich Allen. The review is being done after 56 days as the system has mainly run at a slight loss overall.
Also the way the selections are now indicated in the daily email have changed (more on that later) so there is no reason to go another 28 days.
Some of the information below will be a reprise of the Introduction/Addendum posts I made, some will be new information.
Horse Betting Professor System overview
The Horse Betting Professor System targets Horse Racing in the US. At the time of purchase, it came in three parts, i) Daily email of tips – a year’s supply, ii) a 49 page PDF manual that helps you rate the races yourself rather than relying on the tips and iii) a 2 page Hot Sheet document that highlights the current horses that are at the top of their game and should be considered as a good bet if and when they run.
The tips/rating aim to find you ‘value’ horses to back, so rather than just betting towards the odds on end of the spectrum, you are looking to back the horses that have a decent chance of giving you a more favourable return.
Review overview
At the start of the Horse Betting Professor review, the tips email always contained one CAPITALISED selection with one or more selections in lower case. The former selections were advised to be backed to win/place.
Sometimes, you would be advised to have an exotic bet…e.g. an exacta/pick 3/pick 4.
I decided to have two betting banks, i) $1000 for the capitalised/main selection where I bet $2 for a win and a place ($4 in total) and ii) $1000 for any exacta bets that were specified explicitly…e.g. if the tips email said put a $1 pick 3 on Races 3-5 at Monmouth Park, then I did so. Sometimes the tips email would just say you could use the selections to make your own exotic bets – in this case it was a no bet.
Finally, if any selections were scratched, these were not reported in the profit/loss.
System costs
At purchase time, the Horse Betting Professor System cost $147 which was approximately £105. An immediate up-sell for a platinum package was provided which would cost $497, approx £359. This up-sell would get you the daily tips email for life.
It soon became apparent from reading the Horse Betting Professor System PDF that if you wanted to rate the horses yourself (as advertised on the Horse Betting Professor sales page at the time) you would need access to the stats on the DRF website. However, in order to do this, you would need to pay an extra $995 USD (approx £721 GBP) for the basic package or $1249.95 (approx £902 GBP) for the deluxe package. I contacted the Commissioner on this point who contacted Rich Allen. The full email reply from Rich is on the Introduction post, but, suffice to say Rich said it was an ‘added expense’ and the DRF’s importance was such that ‘I don’t know how you could even think of placing a bet without it’.
Regarding the Hot Sheets, sometimes new versions were produced that you could have for free. At other times, they were made available for a purchase price of $29 (approx £19). I never understood the concept of the Hot Sheets so much – surely the best horses to bet on were being provided by the daily tips email which made the Hot Sheets in my mind slightly redundant.
End of trial results
The trial ended with the win/each way bank standing at $941.90, a loss of $58.10 overall and the exotic bank standing at $828.70 a loss of $171.30.
This gave a combined loss of $229.40 over 56 days, a loss of $4.10 each day.
There were some glorious moments, on Day 47 a $2 win and place bet on 1 horse at Monmouth Park won and returned $205.60 for the win and $80.20 for the place. However, on Day 45 the bank was down to $699.80, it’s lowest ebb so the winner was well needed.
The exotic bank stayed mainly in the $800’s (due to the lack of advised bets) but had a monster day on Day 25 when a combination of winning pick 3s and 1 winning pick 4 returned a profit of $686.70 on the day, however this was eroded in the following days.
My final thoughts
All the information above has been provided to give you an overview of Horse Betting Professor as the complete package.
Because I wasn’t subscribing to the DRF in order to rate the races, I ran this review by betting on the capitalised (main picks) and any explicitly stated exotic bets.
The information being received in the daily email would at times be contradictory. E.g. don’t bet on races with 5 or 6 runners – but then you would still be given a selection for it. Rich did address this in an email and later on in the trial, not every race had a capitalised selection.
As it happens, at the end of the trial, the tips email has now changed once more. In fact there are no capitalised selections (i.e. it is up to you to choose which horse you want to bet on) but the exotic bets are clearly defined. So in theory, we have now gone from having 1 definite selection per race to none.
The HBP has been a bit of a rollercoaster. The banks have swelled noticeably on some days but then suffered gradual erosion thereafter.
Whilst some days have produced exciting results, the overall pattern of returns over the 56 day period has been negative. Once again, the combined loss from both banks has been $229.40 at $4.10 a day.
Overall, there is a loss, but only 1 or 2 winning days like above would turn things around.
My verdict on the Horse Betting Professor System is that it should receive a neutral status and I award it 1.5 stars with a view to maybe releasing it on bail at a later date to see how the new format tips are working.

[Click Here To See Horse Betting Professor…]