Football Bets Direct Final Review
Although there were only 11 days of actual bets with Football Bets Direct, due to the lack of opportunities in the summer months, the world cup and the author’s heart attack, Football Bets Direct did exactly what it says on the tin and made a profit.
The Football Bets Direct system is actually a sspoervice whereby you are e-mailed the selections well in advance, usually with guidance to the best odds.
All of the bets are around the 1.8 decimal mark (Bet365 are normally around the price advised, Betfair slightly higher) and are therefore not restrictive odds. The author advises using A, B and C bets similar to SportsBetting Professor and Sports Betting Champ, however I found that the selections were profitable using level stakes and there is the possibility of increasing your returns, by betting in multiples where more than one selection is advised. The choice of course is yours.
I found the author quite helpful in responding to any e-mail queries and I was somewhat relieved to find that he does not bombard you with e-mails regarding other systems. There are only 2 e-mails where he has recommended services/systems other than his own which were ABTB and SB Professor, both of which have been reviewed and passed on this site.
In summary, I would recommend this service for anyone wishing to make a steady profit from their football betting, it is not a get rich quick scheme and does not purport to be one. Simply put this is a long term strategy and can be used with level stake betting. The author has given his percentage figures for level stake betting below, please note I am unable to verify these results, but see no reason why Neil should be “adjusting” the figures. (The Nordic leagues were trialled during the summer and will be added to the portfolio this season).
Season Bets percentage
Belgium 76.6%
Eng. Championship 63.3%
Eng Premiership 63.9%
France 66%
Germany 57.6%
Holland 67.9%
Italy 68%
Poland 55.5%
Scotland 70%
Spain 65.5%
Nordic Leagues to date:
Norway 73.3%
Sweden 75%
Running Bank £123.02 (Starting Bank £100)
Profit + £23.02 using £2 stakes (11.51 points)
Using £10 stakes the profit over 11 days would have been £115.10
The price of Football Bets Direct is £47 per month, if you got in early in the season it was £34, whether or not there will be any other reductions during the season , will be at the author’s discretion.
My verdict – Passed, with a 3.5 star rating.
Sgt Philip – Reviews Football Bets Direct