Racing Secrets Exposed

eBook – Final Review

Racing Secrets ExposedMorning constables,

Having sat on this for a bit too long now, I am going to provide a final review for the Racing Secrets Exposed eBook.

The Background

Racing Secrets Exposed is a product from Kris Jackman which explains the mechanics of finding a horse to lay after evaluating lots of criteria.  In essence, it enables you to try and identify a false favourite (although to avoid confusion, this is the forerunner to another laying eBook out there called FalseFavourites).

The eBook comes in Adobe Acrobat PDF form and is 105 pages in length.  Although this initially sounds quite daunting, it is worth noting that the font is quite large, and approximately 25% of the Racing Secrets Exposed eBook is dedicated to examples that Kris runs through to help you see how to spot a good laying opportunity.

The Racing Secrets Exposed eBook breaks down as follows :

p1-4 Introduction

p5-12 Basics Of Gambling (odds types, notion of value)

p13-21 Basics Of Laying (Using betting exchanges, using Betfair (with tutorial)

p22-32 Racing Post Website Navigation (Racecards, Spotlight, Postdata, Horses race history)

p33-34 Picking A Losing Horse (overview of the 2 main sections that follow)

p35-36 Laying Horses (Flat Racing) :

p37-42 Seven Primary Warning Signs

p43 Evaluating The Opposition

p44-49 Eight Secondary Warning Signs

p50-51 Bringing It All Together (includes handy table to jot positives and negative down on)

p52-65 Examples (Where Kris walks you through some sample races)

p66 Laying Horses – National Hunt (Jump) Racing :

p67-72 Seven Primary Warning Signs

p73 Evaluating The Opposition

p74-76 Seven Secondary Warning Signs

p77-78 Bringing It All Together (includes handy table to jot positives and negative down on)

p79-90 Examples (Where Kris walks you through some sample races)

p91-101 Maximising Profits/Use Of Bots/Laying A Non-Favourite (plus example)

p102-104 Professional Betting (Bank/Staking – including Fixed vs Liability)/Recording Bets

p105 Final Thoughts

For those interesting in purchasing the Racing Secrets Exposed eBook, there are in fact two options :

1) Purchase the Racing Secrets Exposed eBook only (currently, as I write this on Saturday 31st July at 7:20 a.m., it is available at £7)

2) Purchase the Racing Secrets Exposed  eBook (get a month of Kris’ tipping service free) and then subscribe to Kris’ tipping service (£37 a month).

For clarity of point 2), Kris provides a daily service where he provides tips…for those that don’t want to scrutinise racing form, this is an alternative option – my current results for this service can be found on this website under the heading ‘Racing Secrets ExposedTips’

Payment is by Clickbank and use of Paypal is accepted as well.

It is worth pointing out that you will be using the Racing Post website so a basic subscription is required for that.

Using The Guide

Having never got involved with trying to select horses to lay before, I thought I would be an ideal candidate to try and see if I could pick some losing horses.  In 2 separate periods, totalling 8 days, I managed to make just over 3.00 pts profit if I had been betting to level stakes and after Betfair commission.   Sure, not enought to retire on, but pleasing enough as this was all foreign territory to me.

It took me a while (as a newbie layer) to start analysing each race…checking all the primary/secondary warning signs, rechecking them at times, but after a day or two I found that a lot of these warning signs were conveniently grouped together on the Racing Post website, and by day three the process was easy as you can skim through the data as your eyes become accustomed to what they are looking for.

A Summary

This Racing Secrets Exposed eBook is a super start for people who want to know how to begin to lay horses – it takes you from scratch, walks you through the process and gives you the encouragement to then stand on your own two feet and find your own selections.

Experienced layers won’t find much of interest (well, if they are experienced, I’d assume they wouldn’t need to be walked through the basics!), but even so, this eBook is a handy ‘first principles’ guide that anyone with any experience of laying could fall back on and might well appreciate reading if they encountered a bad run with their selections.

It’s clear, easy to understand, and at £7, it is an absolute bargain.

The Verdict

So how do I rate the Racing Secrets Exposed eBook?

Well, for a newbie layer, I would give this 5 stars for both low price and for the wealth of information given in the eBook.

For people with more experience, I would probaby give this 3 stars for it’s usefulness as a back to basics reference guide.

So I think somewhere in the middle of those two ratings is where I put this eBook.

If an eBook can be classed as passed then this one is.

Racing Secrets Exposed eBook is therefore passed with 4 stars

Rating: ★★★★☆

Cheers for now,

Sgt Rob

[Click Here To See Racing Secrets Exposed eBook…]

Racing Secrets Exposed