Layers Of Profit Final Review

layers of profit

Here is the final review of Layers Of Profit Mk II.

Rating: ★★★★½

The service

Layers Of Profit is an email based tips service for laying horses on the betting exchanges.  You receive one selection per day which is emailed almost without fail at 11.45 a.m. UK time.

You are advised to lay the selection at odds of 4.0 maximum.  Initially, I took this to the exact letter and only recorded results for horses that started at this price or lower.   Because I was tracking the in-running price of the selections, I could also provide data for horses that reached 4.0 or lower – more on that to come.

The Layers Of Profit system owner advised a 35 pt starting bank, and I laid each selection for 1 pt on Betfair, aiming to win 0.95 pts for a successful lay after normal Betfair commission of 5%.

The Layers Of Profit system is paid for monthly via Clickbank and costs £19.99 (GBP) per month

What do you mean by Mk II?

Layers Of Profit has been reviewed twice by myself.  The first version provided up to six selections a day and the ceiling for placing bets was 6.0 on the exchanges.  This version stopped suddenly when the system owner had personal problems – at the time, the system had recovered to a -4 pts loss overall when it had been in the -18 pt loss territory.

When the system owner resumed the service, he introduced the new rules of 1 selection a day and lowered the betting ceiling to 4.0.

He asked if we could re-trial Layers Of Profit from scratch with the new service, which after discussion with The Commissioner, we agreed to.

So Layers Of Profit Mk II relates to the new ‘slimline’ service.  If you choose to purchase the product, it is still called Layers Of Profit, from the same owner, from the same domain – I merely added Mk II in my posts to differentiate between the two reviews.

What about some statistics?


Odds Matched Bets Winning Lays Strike Rate % Pts Profit
1.5 22 13 59.09 7.85
2.1 35 26 74.29 14.80
2.6 46 37 80.43 20.80
3.2 56 47 83.93 30.09
3.6 61 52 85.25 32.39
4 70 61 87.14 34.57
5 79 70 88.61 39.32
Any 82 73 89.02 42.12
Main 38 33 86.84 19.97


As I alluded to in an earlier comment, I quite literally took 4.o or lower as the criteria for recording bets.  This is referred to in the ‘Main’ row…38 selections started at 4.0 or lower, 33 of them duly lost the race for a profit of 19.97 pts and a strike rate of 86.84 %

But what struck me soon after I started the Layers Of Profit review was that I could request odds of 4.0 from Betfair with 3 possible outcomes :

i) Bet matched straight away as price lower than 4.0

ii)  Bet not matched but kept in-running and then matched in running

iii) Bet not matched but kept in running and not matched

So I created a row for ‘4.0’ which showed that from i) and ii) above, 70 selections were available to be matched before/in-running at 4.0 or lower, 61 were winning selections for us with a profit of  34.57 pts and a strike rate of 87.14% – this is a far better way of using the advice given, but as I started the Layers Of Profit review in a different way, I kept on doing it that way!

The ‘Any’ column is what it says on the tin – take any selection and lay it at the price it currently is on the exchange, providing 82 selections with 73 winning bets for us, a profit of 42.12 pts and a strike rate of 89.02%

The other values were randomly chosen by me, I wanted to see how low some of the selections went and if there was any profitability using lower odds than 4.0.

General Statistics

In the 84 days (that lasted from July 12th thru 3rd Oct) there were 84 selections of which 2 were non runners, so the information above is calculated from 82 selections.  Overall there were 9 winning horses (losers for us) at Betfair Starting Prices of 2.74, 3.35, 3.4, 4.54, 3.09, 5.3, 5.6 , 3.62 and 4.3 (an average of 3.99).   There were 3 winners (losers for us) in a 6 day period, but that was as bad as it got, no consecutive winners (losers for us).

Longest winning run was 18 days (although on 2 of these days the price only dropped to 4.2 and 5.0 in-running) and at the end of the trial, the Layers Of Profit service had notched up 16 straight successful lays (although 5 failed to drop below 4.0 offering a low in-running of 4.1, 5.1, 4.1, 4.6 and 5.1)

The average Betfair Starting Price of the 82 selections that ran was 4.33.

Show me the money statistics

So lets look at how different betting banks would have fared (using the 35 pt starting bank prinicple) :


Odds Pts Profit £10 £20 £50 £100
1.5 7.85 £428.50 £857.00 £2,242.50 £4,285.00
2.1 14.8 £498.00 £996.00 £2,590.00 £4,980.00
2.6 20.75 £557.50 £1,115.00 £2,887.50 £5,575.00
3.2 30.09 £650.90 £1,301.80 £3,354.50 £6,509.00
3.6 32.39 £673.90 £1,347.80 £3,469.50 £6,739.00
4 34.57 £695.70 £1,391.40 £3,578.50 £6,957.00
5 39.32 £743.20 £1,486.40 £3,816.00 £7,432.00
Any 42.12 £771.20 £1,542.40 £3,956.00 £7,712.00
Main 19.97 £549.70 £1,099.40 £2,848.50 £5,497.00


This table shows how the betting bank would have ended up using different lay amounts of either £10, £20, £50 or £100.

As an example, using the ‘4.0’ row, if I had requested odds of 4.0 (either matched straight away, or kept in-running), laying each selection at £20 would have seen the final bank balance at £1391.40 – a profit of £691.40 after my £700 starting bank (£20 times 35 pts) had been deducted

Representing that table in terms of clear profit (i.e. deducting the starting bank from the above table) :

Odds Pts Profit £10 £20 £50 £100
1.5 7.85 £78.50 £157.00 £492.50 £785.00
2.1 14.8 £148.00 £296.00 £840.00 £1,480.00
2.6 20.75 £207.50 £415.00 £1,137.50 £2,075.00
3.2 30.09 £300.90 £601.80 £1,604.50 £3,009.00
3.6 32.39 £323.90 £647.80 £1,719.50 £3,239.00
4 34.57 £345.70 £691.40 £1,828.50 £3,457.00
5 39.32 £393.20 £786.40 £2,066.00 £3,932.00
Any 42.12 £421.20 £842.40 £2,206.00 £4,212.00
Main 19.97 £199.70 £399.40 £1,098.50 £1,997.00


So here, if we use the ‘4.0’ row at at £10 stakes I have made £345.70 clear profit.

Of course, you do have to pay for the Layers Of Profit service.  The trial was done over 84 days which equates to 3 months of subscriptions.  If I round up the £19.99 monthly subscription fee to £20 (for simplicity), let’s look at the clear profit after deducting 3 months subscriptions (e.g. using our profits to pay for the system) :


Odds Pts Profit £10 £20 £50 £100
1.5 7.85 £18.50 £97.00 £432.50 £725.00
2.1 14.8 £88.00 £236.00 £780.00 £1,420.00
2.6 20.75 £147.50 £355.00 £1,077.50 £2,015.00
3.2 30.09 £240.90 £541.80 £1,544.50 £2,949.00
3.6 32.39 £263.90 £587.80 £1,659.50 £3,179.00
4 34.57 £285.70 £631.40 £1,768.50 £3,397.00
5 39.32 £333.20 £726.40 £2,006.00 £3,872.00
Any 42.12 £361.20 £782.40 £2,146.00 £4,152.00
Main 19.97 £139.70 £339.40 £1,038.50 £1,937.00


So here, if you were lucky to be playing with £100 stakes and laid every selection at £100 ( regardless of price), after paying for the system with your winnings, you would still be up by £4,152.

The Verdict?


Odds Matched Bets Winning Lays Strike Rate % Pts Profit £10 £20 £50 £100
1.5 22 13 59.09 7.85 £18.50 £97.00 £432.50 £725.00
2.1 35 26 74.29 14.80 £88.00 £236.00 £780.00 £1,420.00
2.6 46 37 80.43 20.80 £147.50 £355.00 £1,077.50 £2,015.00
3.2 56 47 83.93 30.09 £240.90 £541.80 £1,544.50 £2,949.00
3.6 61 52 85.25 32.39 £263.90 £587.80 £1,659.50 £3,179.00
4 70 61 87.14 34.57 £285.70 £631.40 £1,768.50 £3,397.00
5 79 70 88.61 39.32 £333.20 £726.40 £2,006.00 £3,872.00
Any 82 73 89.02 42.12 £361.20 £782.40 £2,146.00 £4,152.00
Main 38 33 86.84 19.97 £139.70 £339.40 £1,038.50 £1,937.00


One final table that is combination of some of the above data : it shows clear profit after subscription fees deducted (i.e. paid for from our winnings) with the original basic stats for the system.

From this we can see that at all levels shown, the system has paid for itself.  Betting at 3.6, 4.0 and 5.0 (matched before if available, or taken in-running) or betting any selection at BFSP all produce an excellent strike rate in excess of 85%.

Is Layers Of Profit for everyone?  Well, for those of you that can’t access your email account between 11.45 a.m. UK time (when the selection comes out) and race start time, then I would say not!

Also, those looking for just one system to make them rich, then again, not – we only get one selection a day so those people will look elsewhere for that elusive holy grail.

What I can say is that the new slimline Layers Of Profit service does what it says on the tin.  It has provided profits across the board and is at the very least an excellent addition to any portfolio of systems you may have.

For those of you that feel inspired to subscribe to LOP, then my recommendation is to take the 4.0, 5.0 or Any options and progress from there.

In conclusion, Layers Of Profits is deemed Passed with a rating of 4.5 stars.

Rating: ★★★★½

Please feel free to add your comments.  I have the Excel spreadsheet on standby if necessary 🙂


Sgt Rob reviews Layers Of Profit


[Click Here To See Layers Of Profit…]