The Full Circle  System  September 22nd  Day 52

Hi Bloggers

      Only 3 selections , 2 of these were E.W Bets which produced one winner at 12.08 BFSP and a loser , the other was a Win Bet which lost.

Date Selection BFSP Bet Result P/L Bank
09/22/2010 Fivefold 9.00 E.W 6th -1.00 35.67
09/22/2010 Tapis Libre 12.08 E.W 1st 6.33 42.00
 09/22/2010 Mad Moose 2.79 Win 2nd -1.00 41.00

P/L Day 52 =  + 4.33 points

Running Bank after Day 52 = 41.00points (+ 1.00 points) 


Sgt Dave

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