Ultimate Horse Power Day 12

12th May 2016


Ultimate Horse Power

Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Ultimate Horse Power

Outcome Profit/Loss Cummulative Loss
13,55 salisbury Nibras Bounty Loss -1 -108.83
15,35 salisbury Mytimehascome Loss -1 -109.83
15,35 salisbury Aqualis Loss -1 -110.83
16,05 salisbury Boycie Loss -1 -111.83
16,35 salisbury Wiley Post Loss -1 -112.83
16,35 salisbury Not Touch Loss -1 -113.83
17,05 salisbury Papa Luigi Loss -1 -114.83
14,10 york Doctor Sardonicus Loss -1 -115.83
14,10 york Son Of Africa Loss -1 -116.83
15,45 york Hors De Combat Loss -1 -117.83
15,45 york Convey Loss -1 -118.83
15,45 york Glory Awaits Loss -1 -119.83
16,15 york Exist Loss -1 -120.83
16,15 york Areen Loss -1 -121.83
16,45 york Gulliver Loss -1 -122.83
14,15 perth John Monash Won 1.38 -121.45
16,25 perth Heart O Annandale Loss -1 -122.45
17,35 perth Tessie B Loss -1 -123.45
17,35 perth Tullyglush Won 0.73 -122.72
18,15 newmarket Firnas Won 4.5 -118.22
18,15 newmarket Master Gunner Loss -1 -119.22
19,20 newmarket Dance Band Loss -1 -120.22
19,20 newmarket Delve Loss -1 -121.22
19,55 newmarket Greenfyre Loss -1 -122.22
19,55 newmarket Percys Romance Loss -1 -123.22
20,25 newmarket Philadelphia Loss -1 -124.22
20,25 newmarket Oh This Is Us Won 10 -114.22
Loss of the Day -6.39


[Click here to see Ultimate Horse Power]


Sgt AdrianC Reviews Ultimate Horse Power