Ultimate Horse Power Day 2

2nd May 2016


Ultimate Horse Power

Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Ultimate Horse Power

Outcome Profit/Loss
13,30 warwick Herons Heir Won 4
14,00 warwick Top Priority Loss -1
14,00 warwick Rock Chick Supremo Loss -1
14,35 warwick One For The Boss Loss -1
14,35 warwick Strongly Suggested Loss -1
15,10 warwick Dispour Won 1.5
15,45 warwick Hallingham Loss -1
16,20 warwick Still Together Loss -1
16,20 warwick Oskars Eva Loss -1
14,50 windsor Morando Loss -1
14,50 windsor Catskill Mountains Loss -1
14,50 windsor Perpetual Change Loss -1
15,25 windsor Cliff Edge Loss -1
15,25 windsor Khor Al Udaid Loss -1
15,25 windsor Major Assault Loss -1
16,35 windsor Mediation Loss -1
16,35 windsor Elysian Prince Loss -1
17,45 windsor Pine Ridge Loss -1
13,45 beverley Laceys Lane Loss -1
14,20 beverley Alwalaa Loss -1
14,55 beverley First Bombardment Won 5.5
14,55 beverley Ravenhoe Loss -1
15,30 beverley Jacbequick Loss -1
15,30 beverley Freight Train Loss -1
16,05 beverley Rousayan Won 6
16,05 beverley Trail Blaze Loss -1
16,05 beverley Dawn Mirage Loss -1
16,40 beverley Oak Bluffs Loss -1
16,40 beverley All You Won 5
17,50 beverley Perceysvivace Loss -1
14,30 bath Fitzwilly Loss -1
14,30 bath Saborido Loss -1
15,05 bath Cosmic Beau Loss -1
15,05 bath Billys Boots Loss -1
16,15 bath Kafoo Loss -1
16,50 bath Wharane Loss -1
17,25 bath Eager Beaver Loss -1
14,10 kempton Mr Kite Loss -1
14,10 kempton Barman Loss -1
14,10 kempton Peruvien Bleu Loss -1
15,20 kempton Granit Loss -1
15,20 kempton Instingtive Loss -1
15,55 kempton Call Me Vic Loss -1
15,55 kempton Filbert Loss -1
15,55 kempton Ericht Loss -1
16,25 kempton Kublai Loss -1
16,25 kempton Itsnowcato Loss -1
17,00 kempton Kamool Loss -1
17,35 kempton Dunraven Storm Won 4
17,35 kempton Fago Loss -1
17,35 kempton Parsnip Pete Loss -1
Profit/Loss of the day -19

Cummulative Loss -24.5 points


[Click here to see Ultimate Horse Power]


Sgt AdrianC Reviews Ultimate Horse Power