Win King Final Review
Sgt Frog – Reviews Win King
Product Outline
Win King has been proofing with Bet Kudos since September 2016, all their tips are straight back bets and the email arrives before noon on the day. Unlike most of Betfan products the stakes vary for each bet between 1 – 5 points.
Cost of Service
The cost of the service is £30.00 for 28 days or £75 for 90 days. You must bear in mind though they don’t offer a money back guarantee, Betfan say they look into refund requests but that doesn’t guarantee you will get one.
Starting with 250 point bank and using stakes based on what was suggested each day, I monitored result from 12th January 2017 to
11 April 2017. The result is calculated based on advised odds.
Starting Balance(point): 250
Staking(point): 763
Gain(point): 142.13
Closing Balance(point): 392.13
ROI: 18.6 %
32.5 % Strike rate overall, 111 Winner from 341 bets.
longest winning streak(day): 8 days
longest losing streak(day): 5 days